working together - Pre 16

Student Recruitment and Outreach

Student Recruitment and Outreach

Buckinghamshire New University offers an exciting range of activities to help young people navigate their options and make the right choices for their futures. 

When it comes to recruitment and outreach, we take a student-centred approach and engage in a wide range of projects, always keeping the students’ best interests at the heart of our endeavours.

We have developed fun and informative sessions that make it easy for students to engage and allow them to make the most informed decision about their options post-secondary education.

By working with our university, you can ensure your students will have the most up-to-date information on courses, fees, funding and career routes. 

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss ways in which we can best support your students, you can get in touch here

windsor house students outside

We can visit your school or college – Outreach Activity

students chatting on the concourse High Wycombe campus

Come and visit us: On-campus events

Two male students reading at the library

Choose BNU – Your Future

Staff and students discussing student work with one another whilst sat around a table

Subject Specials – Become an expert in a course area